Monday, May 11, 2009

Each one of us has been sent here to this earth for a very special reason. To become like our heavenly father. Daily we strive to do those little things that help us develop a habit. As we develop a habit we internalize it and it becomes a trait. These traits be they good or bad make up who we are. As we strive to become like our heavenly father it is important that we first know the type of person he is and the traits he has. As we learn these things we can change our daily habits and develop traits like his.

There are countless scriptures that point us in the direction of becoming more like him. The one I want to talk about is Moses 1:39 "For behold, this is my work and my glory to bring to pass the imortality and eternal life of man."

This scripture teaches us the desire of our father. He wants us to be able to become like him and have all that he has.

To personalize this we too should have the same work and glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. How would our father react if he was walking the street and didn't see some one with the same opportunities he had? How would our father spend his spare time? Would he feel like his calling was a burden and that it used up his precious time? When given a calling how would our father receive and fulfill his call no matter how big our small?

If it is our eternal goal to return to our Father-in-heaven we must try to think of everything we do as if our heavenly father was doing it. It is his work we are doing. He has entrusted us to do it because he beleives in us and not only wants us to help others but he wants to help us as well.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Every Needful Thing

There are so many things in this world that are striving for our attention. How is it that we can give each thing the proper amount of attention? Work and providing for our family is without a doubt an important thing in our life. Continuing our education, no matter what age, should constantly be on our mind. Serving in our church callings and in our communities also a top on the list. How can we know what is best what is best and what sometimes serves as a distraction in our lives?

I have found myself recently evaluating these different aspects of my life, and I am sure I will continue to throughout my life. With such little time in this life and with the obvious approach of the second coming of our savior it becomes more and more necessary not to become distracted by those things that may be good, but do not merit the better or best status taught by Elder Oaks. A continuous self-analysis has helped me as I have strived to continually be doing those things that are best for the Lord’s work.

In our recent stake conference the stake president spoke on the topic of preparing every needful thing. He pointed out that the lord did not say to prepare everything, but that we need prepare every needful thing. Meaning, we prepare those things that will enable us to do his work and be prepared for those inevitable hard times. I think often times the spiritual preperation is more important than the physical. As we are more spiritually prepared and are more able to draw from a spiritual well, we will not thirst in times of need. As we spiritually prepare ourselves our burdens will be lifted as we feel the weight on our backs.

I know that as we continue to prepare our self spiritually when the waves become more violent we will be able to weather the storm. By focusing on those things that are most important and not being distracted by all of the many things yearning for our attention we will rise up spiritually and be ready for the rough road ahead.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

New Blog

Recently during conference I felt very impressed to begin this blog. I think it will give me an opportunity to share those things I feel deeply about with others and hopefully inspire those who read it to share it with others or to change their ways.

Like Lehi I have felt this week a desire to share the gospel with all those I love. It has almost been a renewing experience for my testimony. I think I will start this first post out with my testimony.

I know that the Lord continues to speak with us, both through the prophet, and also through the spirit. I know that he continues to pour down his blessings upon the earth. I know that my savior loves me and that he suffered and died not just for me, but for you as well. He loves you and wants all of us to be able to return back to him. The priesthood is a real power. I have seen it work. I have had the blessing of seeing it work through me. I have used it to heal the sick. I have given inspired council using it, to people through blessings. I have been a missionary and seen our heavenly father work miracles through the priesthood on a daily basis. I know that the priesthood can and will bless your life. Joseph Smith saw God and has son Jesus Christ. He also was used as a tool to restore Christ's church back on the earth again.

I hope in some way that the things I write on this blog help you. The reason that I am doing it is because I felt very spiritually impressed to do so. I do not know why I am supposed to do it, but I want to do that which my father asks.

Please only comment on this blog if you have something uplifting to say. If you disagree with what I say that is fine but please only write uplifting things on this blog.